Date Published : 25 Aug 2022


The Asyura Porridge Cooking Program was organized by JUPEM in collaboration between JUPEM PUSPANITA and the JUPEM Muslim Workers' Welfare Association (PKPI). The concept of gotong-royong cooking Ashura porridge was held at the Dewan Ukur, on 18 August 2022 corresponding to 20 Muharram 1444H.

This activity is carried out every year in conjunction with the arrival of the month of Muharram. This activity is seen to create good relationship among JUPEM staff as well as their cooperation.

Ashura porridge was distributed to all the members of JUPEM Headquarters and the distribution was completed by YBrs Sr Wan Mohamad Darani bin Ab Rahman, TKPUP I, and was also attended by Sr Hazri bin Hassan, TKPUP II.

Thank you to everyone involved in making this program a success.