Date Published : 10 Dec 2019

Official Visit by Deputy Secretary General of KATS to JUPEM

Deputy Secretary General (Land and Natural Resources) of Ministry of Water, Land and Natural Resources (KATS), YBrs. Dr. Mohd Mokhtar bin Tahar undertook his first official visit to Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM) on December 6, 2019 (Friday). Also present were Under Secretary KATS and few senior officers from KATS and JUPEM.
The event began with a visit to the exhibition booth held at Customer Service Counter. The event was then continued at Level 15th Conference Room, Wisma JUPEM with a corporate video show. A welcoming speech was conducted by Director General of Survey and Mapping Malaysia, YBhg. Dato' Sr Dr. Azhari bin Mohamed and followed by a short briefing presented by Deputy Director General of Survey and Mapping I, YBrs. Sr Ahmad Azman bin Ghazali. The visit ended with a presentation of souvenir to Deputy Secretary General of KATS.