Date Published : 03 Sep 2019

Handover of Duties Ceremony

Director General of Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia, Sr Dr. Azhari bin Mohamed had witnessed the handover of duties ceremony between Director of Defence Geospatial Division, Brig. Jen. Sr Dr. Mohd Zambri bin Mohamad Rabab and Deputy Director of Defence Geospatial Division, Kol. Sr Muhamad Nadzir bin Mat Isin on August 30, 2019 at the office of the Director General, Wisma JUPEM. Brig. Jen. Sr Dr. Mohd Zambri bin Mohamad Rabab will undergo training at the Maktab Ketahanan Nasional (MKN) for 12 months starting on September 3, 2019 to August 28, 2020.