Date Published : 27 Jul 2020


KUALA LUMPUR, July 2 - Licensed Land Surveyor Board of Malaysia (LJT) had organised a townhall session with Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM) on the Amendment of Licensed Land Surveyors Act 1958 (Act 458) at Prima Ballroom, Wisma LJT. A welcoming remark was delivered by YBhg. Dato' Sr Dr. Azhari bin Mohamed, Director General of Survey and Mapping Malaysia cum Chairman of LJT.

Also present were Deputy Director General of Survey and Mapping I cum Deputy Chairman of LJT, Sr Ahmad Azman bin Ghazali; Deputy Director General of Survey and Mapping II, Sr Sohaime bin Hj. Rasidi; Chief Executive Officer of LJT, Sr Hj. Ismail bin Harun and senior officers of JUPEM.

A presentation on the Amendment of Licensed Land Surveyors Act 1958 (Act 458) were given by Sr Hj. Ismail bin Harun, Chief Executive Officer of LJT and Sr Azlim Khan bin Abdul Raof Khan, Director of Survey (Utility Mapping).