Date Published : 18 Dec 2020

Malaysia Book of Records - Recognition of ‘Largest Topography Map in Malaysia’

KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Dec - The recognition of ‘Largest Topography Map in Malaysia’ in Malaysia Book of Records (MBR) was awarded to the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia today.

Madam Siti Hajar binti Johor, MBR General Administrative Executive Officer has presented the certificate to Dato’ Sr Dr. Azhari bin Mohamed, Director General of Survey and Mapping Malaysia at the MBR Certification Ceremony held at the Dewan Ukur JUPEM.

Also present, Sr Sohaime bin Haji Rasidi, Deputy Director General of Survey and Mapping II, Datuk Sr Haji Ismail bin Harun, Chief Executive Officer of Land Surveyors Board and few senior officers of JUPEM.