Date Published : 17 Feb 2021

Walkabout Session by Director General of JUPEM to Policy and Mapping Coordination Division

KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Feb - Director General of Survey and Mapping Malaysia, Dato’ Sr Dr. Azhari bin Mohamed had a walkabout session to Policy and Mapping Coordination Division today. His presence was welcomed by Director of Survey, Sr Wan Mohamad Darani bin Ab. Rahman and few senior officers. Also present were Director of Survey (Planning and Corporate Division), Sr Tsalimy bin Abdullah and Director of Management Services Division, Madam Nor Azliza binti Shaharuddin.

The purpose of the visit was review the activities in Policy and Mapping Coordination Division. The visit ended with a presentation of souvenir to Director General of JUPEM by Sr Wan Mohamad Darani bin Ab. Rahman.