Date Published : 10 May 2021

Orphans and charity home receive Ramadan contributions

KUALA LUMPUR, 6 MAY - A brief ceremony was held in conjunction with JUPEM Ihya Ramadan Programme 2021/1442H jointly organized by JUPEM and PUSPANITA.

Director General of Survey and Mapping Malaysia, Dato' Sr Dr. Azhari bin Mohamed presented the contributions to few orphans in JUPEM, Al-Nasuha Orphans Welfare Organization and Welfare Organization of Sri Mesra Care Centre (Mesra Home).

These donations came from agencies related to JUPEM such as Land Surveyors Board Malaysia (LJT), Yayasan Kebajikan Jurukur Tanah Berdaftar, Geomatic and Land Survey Division of Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM), Geospatial Sciences & Technology College (GSTC), Koperasi Jurukur Tanah Berlesen Berhad (KOJUTA), Koperasi Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia Berhad (KOJUPEM) and Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia (PEJUTA).  

Meanwhile, a total of 600 containers of 'Bubur Lambuk' were distributed to JUPEM staff in conjunction with JUPEM Ihya Ramadan Programme.