Date Published : 11 Nov 2021

72nd National Mapping and Spatial Data Committee Meeting (JPDSN)

PUTRAJAYA, 10 Nov - The 72nd National Spatial Mapping and Data Committee (JPDSN) Meeting was taken place from 10th to 11th November 2021 in Putrajaya. This meeting was chaired by YBrs. Sr Sohaime bin Haji Rasidi, Deputy Director General of Survey and Mapping I (JUPEM).

The 72nd JPDSN meeting involved the attendance of 41 persons from various departments, agencies and institutions such as Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM), Sabah Land and Survey Department (JTUS), Sarawak Land Survey Department (JTSS), Mapping Intelligence Staff Division (BSPP), Ministry of Defence, National Hydrographic Center (PHN), Department of Minerals and Geosciences Malaysia (JMG), Peninsular Malaysia Forestry Department (JPSM), Department of Agriculture Malaysia (DOA), Sabah Forestry Department, Sarawak Forestry Department, Sabah Agriculture Department, Sarawak Agriculture Department, Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), National Geospatial Center (PGN) and representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Original Resources (KeTSA).

JPDSN is the main platform in coordinating and resolving matters or problems that related to mapping and preparation of spatial data towards fulfilling the mandate given by the government.