Vision Mission Motto Objective Function Quality Standard Ethics Code Logo JUPEM.

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  • Ensure that the cadastral survey mapping and geodetics products and services meet the quality system as well as the needs of the customers.
  • Ensure the establishment and maintenance of high quality and updated Cadastral Survey and Mapping Database to meet the needs of the national geospatial data infrastructure.
  • Make JUPEM a centre of excellence and reference in the field of cadastral survey, mapping, geodetic, underground utility mapping and geospatial information.
  • Ensure the determination, demarcation and surveying of state and international boundaries meet the needs of the state administration as well as safeguards the nation’s sovereignty.
  • Ensure quality and integrated geospatial defence services in supporting of defence infrastructure and national security.


  • Advising the government in the field of cadastral survey, mapping and geospatial as well as the state and international boundaries.
  • Providing complete and conclusive cadastral survey information for the purpose of issuing land titles, strata and stratum.
  • Managing the cadastral survey and mapping database efficiently.
  • Publishing topographic, cadastral, thematic, and underground utility maps for planning, natural resources management, environmental conservation, development, monitoring, and security purposes.
  • Providing geodetic infrastructure for cadastral surveying, mapping, engineering and scientific research.
  • Providing a comprehensive and integrated geospatial defence services for the purpose of defence and security.
  • Publishing astronomical and astronomy products which include qiblah direction tables, prayers time, rukyah hilal data, hijra calendar and eclipse information and syariah astronomical almanac.
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Quality Standard

JUPEM is committed to provide Cadastral Survey, Mapping services and dissemination of high quality geospatial information in accordance with established standards and also continuous improvement efforts to ensure customer satisfaction.

  • Trustworthy and honest in the discharge of duties and responsibilities without abusing power and position.
  • Always patient, calm and steadfast in all situation.
  • Truthful, transparent and sincere in carrying out any duties.
  • Disciplined and with high integrity.
  • Confident, accurate, fair and consistent in decision-making.
  • Always practice the characteristics of creativity, innovativeness, motivation, competitiveness and accountability.
  • Foster a spirit of cooperation, goodwill, and affection at all levels.
  • Proud to be a denizen of JUPEM and always striving to promote the dignity and image of the department.
  • Provide efficient and quality services.
  • Strive to ensure that the department’s products are of quality and fulfils customer requirements.
  • Always maintain the highest level of integrity and transparency in all dealings.

Definition of Logo

In general, JUPEM’s logo displayed as more energetic, dynamic, progressive and able to compete universal challenges, especially in the provision of survey and mapping infrastructure to support the National Development Policy.

  • JUPEM’s logo design consists of three basic form of dots, circle and orbit line. These dots are separated by the orbit line that reflects JUPEM’s two main activities, which are the cadastral survey and mapping survey activities.
  • The orange colour signifies joy, glory and JUPEM’s sensitivity to customer’s need and acknowledges the existence and importance of JUPEM to the nation and community.
  • The green colour is the official colour of the department and has been chosen to reflect JUPEM is always caring and giving serious attention to the aspects of nature in the preservation of a healthy environment.
  • The dots appearance gives an indication that JUPEM is using electronic technology, networking system to enhance its survey, and mapping information.
  • The orbit line is emphasising the importance of communication, information dissemination and networking.

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